Sygnia RoboAdvisor

In your early days of investment accumulation, the management fees of an individualised portfolio may be prohibitive. We’d still like to help you, though, so we’ve partnered with Sygnia to offer you RoboAdvisor.

This is your first step in accumulating investments across a range of options, from discretionary investments to RAs and tax-free savings accounts. We will monitor these on your behalf and, once you’ve attained a suitable base, will assist you with more complex asset structuring.

Your life, your choice

Use the RoboAdvisor to design your own investment strategy. Tell us about yourself, your aspirations and your risk profile as an investor. We will then guide you towards the strategy most likely to meet your savings requirements.

The RoboAdvisor is a wealth management tool that utilises software to develop and execute individualised investment strategies. It is a digital platform providing automated, algorithm-driven financial planning services with little-to-no human supervision. Using an online survey, it collects information about your financial situation and future goals, and uses this to offer advice and automatically invest your assets.

Benefits of automated investing

  • High-quality, low-cost portfolios.

  • Ease of Use

    It’s simple and fast to open an account, set up ongoing contributions, answer some questions about your goals and risk tolerance, and be placed in a portfolio that matches your personal investment profile.

  • Taking emotion out of the equation

    Behavioural economics tells us that even the most experienced human managers can let market movements tempt them into overtrading a portfolio. Investing is inherently emotional. Adopting a more passive strategy, via indifferent mechanical mechanisms that stay focused on the long-term picture rather than short-term price movements, can mean the difference between underperforming the market or maintaining a comparable rate of return over time.